“Because it isn’t.”

I replied with an answer to this, but I felt that I needed to post my answer instead.

Love is just mostly attraction and expectations. You got attracted by looks, personality, or whatever “types” you have collected over the years (redheads, glasses, height, ditzyness, whatever).

You have expected some kind of relationship or life together, or whatever benefits you. When the attraction fades and the expectations fail, you will start hating on each other because there is nothing else to latch onto.

Love is not real, it is just something made up to sell films, books, and items – it is a business.

What is real is a sense of comfort and fear of being alone. You court and marry somebody for the sake of having offspring (and not so not to live alone).

The whole “falling in love” troupe is only to sell merch.
“Love at first sight” is attraction and expectations, fuelled by fantasy and hormones. Flutters/butterflies in your stomach are your brain trying to comprehend something that fascinates tremendously, thus the nervousness.

Combine all of that? You have got “love”.

And do not even get me started on fate or “the one”. It is all just a way to convince yourself that no matter how much of a jerk somebody could be, they can always find someone.

Adapt yourself and compromise, your relationship will last longer that way. Oh, and if you leave your partner if they abuse you… they are not “the one”.

Believe in love if you want, if it makes your life prettier, but do not bet your life on it. Love is not “fate” it is something you choose, consciously or unconsciously.





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