When you decide to pretend that other people do not exist, you are no longer trying to change them or even the circumstance with them; Then all your focus and goals become about YOU and your mind. Every step and intent is then about self-development, self-improvement and self-empowerment. When this happens, you start expecting everything from you and nothing from something or someone else.
Decide for a while (for example, a month) that you will no longer be interested in others (in their reactions or validation or lack of them). You will no longer seek or ask anything from them. Because you will “pretend” that they do not exist. (PS: I do not mean this in a delusional way. You will not pretend people are ghosts or someone talking to you. You will not be pretending you do not hear others around you. It is more about you NOT expecting, NOT waiting, NOT desiring, NOT wishing, NOT hoping, it is all about you wondering how you can have it all from yourself)
It is true indeed that whatever you expect from others, especially in the domain of “validation seeking” or things like being loved, waiting for someone to compliment you, give you worth or value: is a lost cause. Only what you give to yourself has value. Only how you change yourself has a true, long-lasting impact.
For example: You want someone to validate you. Let us say you want a message from someone or a compliment. Try to see how you can “reform” or “reframe” this, and see what is hiding behind this wish. What are you not allowing from yourself?
Or, say you want someone who loves and supports you. Again here you are in ignorance of the “EIYPO” concept, therefore you have to check yourself and what you are not allowing to yourself that you project on others and expect from them.
Are you loving and supporting yourself? Are you complimenting yourself?
These are just two examples, there are many other ways we “fool” ourselves and ignore what we do to ourselves because we are too busy seeking things from outside and ignoring the main power and cause of our being.
Naturally, this will appear to be very “weird” because like I said for most people: their whole life and all their mental programs and beliefs are about “what others think or do“.
If done correctly, it will show you a great power and freedom you may never have experienced before. It is like finding an unlimited supply of energy and power because it is all about you and yourself.
“People go on changing their jobs, their hobbies, wives, husbands, religion. They go on changing whatever they can change with the hope that this time something is going to happen. But unless you change, nothing is going to happen..” – OSHO