“I Am” was the name that God used to identify Himself as Yahweh in the Old Testament, and it speaks of His eternal personal nature and His self-sufficiency. God is sufficient within Himself. He does not have to go outside Himself for anything because He is self-existent and unchangeable. I am is in harmony with itself. When you assume, “I am ____” everything moves to play its part to make you what you pray to be.
Say you want to feel safety. You assume “I am safe” not “The world is out to get me”. You do not wonder if there are bogeymen around each corner, you assume that the things in your world are good because what is inside you is loving, kind and generous.
It is not needed to wait on someone else to make you feel safe – what you want from others is what you desire to give to yourself.
If you want someone to see you as attractive, it is because you want to see yourself as attractive. You believe that you need their recognition to believe this. Having this person or group of people say, “Oh wow, look how insanely beautiful he is!” is not going to give you long-lasting confidence. On the contrary, it is going to make your attention seeking for your whole life.
Whatever you hunger for outside of you, give to yourself.
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