“I realised I would not be happy without you in my life.”

I stared at this written sentence long enough for it to blur. Have you ever had someone cross your path that you knew you needed on the end of a string text or sitting next to you, spilling the tea for eternity? The label is not so important as long as their presence is constant. You could be wrapped up in listening to how much someone else is making them happy, or you could be wrapped up in bedsheets being the reason why they are happy.

Just nothing in between because mixed signals are for losers.
I hope you have not. It is awful if I am to be completely honest – it is a glass-roomed purgatory underwater with no idea when you will be released.

The feeling is… immense. I thought love was more Hollywood-esque: pretty, obsessive, confining, and sexy. If I try to define with words how I feel (and I have tried before and failed) it would look more like this:

at sea, sequestered, chary.


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