The conversation got railroaded by someone asking if she should forgive someone who ghosted her. I have a special place in my heart for ghosters. You do not know where a person…
You feel happiness in intervals like tiny nibbles of chocolate, closing your eyes and savouring each luscious morsel until it is gone & the next piece is in your grasp. You have the…
I remember, back in the LiveJournal days, I was in a community for abuse survivors. I never posted my own story. I just commented on those that did - I was never brave…
you hold his face while you kiss him numbers are dictation, dictators are numb. the more i say the less you feel. abandon age for pints and ounces, and let your ash-rimmed eyes fade…
I remember my mother holding a newborn Isobel, gazing at her tiny, pink beauty and saying to me, “Maybe you should give her up for adoption.” I was horrified. Years passed and I…
"I realised I would not be happy without you in my life." I stared at this written sentence long enough for it to blur. Have you ever had someone cross your path that…
Q: Why do you want to fix a negative situation with someone that is always harming you? What causes you to be there in the first place? The people you are attracted to…
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution". Why are you where you are in your life? What choices…
Consciousness: You have it. You use it. You know what it does. But you have no idea what it is. You can argue that everything is energy, or can be converted into energy…
In preparation for a mini-course I will be holding for my final exam, I have been holding some conversations about a much-used (but often misunderstood) term: boundaries. In several conversations (and even more…