⋆ drama beard

⋆ drama beard

Okay, main character! Live that story! Create seventy sequels! Slay the dragons. Rape and pillage and conquer! That beard wears you, not the other way around 🗡️ Anyway, good luck. Best wishes and…
⋆ Only you exist here

⋆ Only you exist here

When you decide to pretend that other people do not exist, you are no longer trying to change them or even the circumstance with them; Then all your focus and goals become about…
⋆ last flowers

⋆ last flowers

  you know as a child when you are unwanted. even when you have a roof over your head and shoes on your feet, you know you were never meant to be. there…
⊹ virtue

⊹ virtue

"Virtues" are attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop this potential. The reason for a virtuous life does not necessarily depend on belief…
⋆ about me

⋆ about me

The conversation continued in two separate paths: one commending me on my hard work in therapy & the other one attempting to explain why it is important to continue even though I want…
⋆ switch off

⋆ switch off

Did you want me all? No, not for life Did you truly see me? No, not this time Were you ever sure? No, no, no, not with me When you benevolently place your…
⋆ all grey everything

⋆ all grey everything

  Graysexual, also known as grey asexual, includes people who may: experience a low level of attraction, rarely experience attraction, experience attraction only in certain conditions, and/or are unsure whether or not they…
⋆ deceit

⋆ deceit

As we remember Europe kicking away Syrian refugees, we get to see them warmly hugging their neighbours as they flee the Russians. Ah, that warms the cockles of the heart, right? When refugees…
©Valerie Duca

⊹ Geo-mess

I do not know where to begin here so I am going to babble myself into a lather: if we are friends irl, you know I called this Russian invasion years ago. You…
⊹ because, Marx

⊹ because, Marx

According to Marx, a nation that enslaves another can never be free. -At any given time in 2016, an estimated 40.3 million people were in modern slavery, including 24.9 million in forced labour…