If a poisonous snake jumps on you; you have no time to ask yourself
“Is this because of my past?”
“Is this because my parents abandoned me when I was a child?”
“Is it because they divorced?”
“Is this because I was neglected?” or maybe…
“Because I was unloved in some past life?”
or countless other questions.
The only question is how to push this snake away as fast as possible (and never look back).
When the person is “trapped” it feels like the obsessive fear has complete control over the person and their life: each trial to avoid the fear or resist it gives it even more power.
What do I mean by “it gives it more power”? The fear appears even more valid, logical or relevant. Therefore, taking even more space in the mind.
A person who lacks the understanding of the mind may find it logical to fight or resist or even seek the cause yet the more you act on a fear like this and its logic the more you make it justifiable and the more power it gets for the next round. In situations like this, life becomes owned by the “master” fear, and you live in its shadow: very miserable, unhappy and with a narrow view of what life is (or your options).
The person with this obsessive fear may have it because of countless reasons. And for this post, the reasons are irrelevant. Whether you have it for X, Y, or Z reasons it has no use, and it is destroying your mind, so whatever the reasons are your focus should not be on them.
The logic that goes like “I want to find the cause for this and the solution, so I never deal with it again” is what keeps you attached to the “poison” and it is what feeds the whole obsession. It is what keeps it empowering itself. Refuse to reason with the fear.
While you have no deadly poison in your body, the obsessive fear is truly like a poison, and it multiplies the longer you allow it to stay in your mind. And whether the poison stays because you theorise, reflect on, try to find solutions or the cause or because you feel powerless… the poison is, multiplies so once again your only focus should be how to let go of the need to rationalise being poisoned.
You cannot beat an obsessive fear once you are “in” on its logic. It will convince you of its logic. Refuse to engage with it. Great courage is required here. Refuse to follow the chain of thought. No amount of “understanding” or theory is enough. ONLY YOUR PRACTICE MATTERS AND THE PRACTICE IS DIFFICULT YET YOU CAN DO IT.
In your reality, it will always appear very valid, true or logical.
obsession (n):
an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind.
fixation, passion, mania, neurosis, addiction, fetish, craze